Intraocular Foreign Body

Intraocular Foreign Body

 Intraocular foreign bodies occur when sharp objects or debris penetrate the eye, often during accidents or industrial work. Such injuries can cause severe infections, tissue damage, or vision loss if not promptly treated.

Procedure Overview

Infection Control

Use of intravitreal antibiotics to prevent or treat infections.

Imaging and Localization

Techniques like CT or ultrasound in Dubai to locate and assess the foreign body.

Surgical Removal

Microsurgical techniques in Dubai to safely extract the object without damaging surrounding tissues.

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Intraocular Foreign Body

Expected Outcomes

  • Complete removal of the foreign object with minimal damage.
  • Prevention of infection and preservation of vision.  

Patient Support & Care

  • Education on workplace or home eye safety to prevent future injuries.
  • Long-term monitoring in Dubai to ensure no residual effects like scarring or infections.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I have a foreign object in my eye?

Do not rub or attempt to remove it yourself. Seek immediate medical attention.

Can intraocular foreign bodies cause blindness?

Without prompt treatment, foreign bodies can lead to severe complications, including blindness.

How is a foreign object in the eye removed?

Removal involves surgical techniques under magnification to prevent additional damage.

Is hospitalization required for intraocular foreign body removal?

Most cases are treated as outpatient procedures unless complications arise.

What are the risks of delaying treatment?

Delayed treatment increases the risk of infection, tissue damage, and vision loss.

How can I prevent intraocular foreign body injuries?

Use protective eyewear during activities like construction, woodworking, or industrial tasks.
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