Heredofamilial Retinal Disorders

Heredofamilial Retinal Disorders

These are genetic conditions affecting the retina, such as retinitis pigmentosa or Stargardt disease. They often cause progressive vision loss, with symptoms varying based on the specific disorder.

Procedure Overview

Dr. Lamba employs cutting-edge techniques like

Treatments for Hereditary Retinal Conditions:

  • Gene Therapy: Innovative techniques to address the underlying genetic cause (for select conditions).
  • Low Vision Aids: Tools and devices to enhance remaining vision.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Specific vitamins, such as vitamin A, may help slow progression in certain disorders.

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Why Dr. Mandeep Lamba?

Your Trusted Retina

With over 7,000 retina surgeries, Dr. Lamba’s mastery in managing complex retinal detachments has restored sight for patients across the UAE. His commitment to meticulous surgical techniques ensures high success rates.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Slowing of vision loss progression.
  • Improved quality of life with adaptive devices and support.

Patient Support & Care:

  • Comprehensive genetic counseling, low vision rehabilitation, and regular monitoring are part of ongoing care.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are heredofamilial retinal disorders?

These are genetic conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease, that affect the retina and cause progressive vision loss.

What are the common symptoms of heredofamilial retinal disorders?

Symptoms include night blindness, loss of peripheral or central vision, and gradual deterioration of overall visual function.

Is there a cure for hereditary retinal disorders?

Currently, there is no definitive cure, but treatments aim to slow disease progression.

What treatments are available for HRD?

Treatment options include gene therapy (for select conditions), low vision aids, and nutritional supplements like vitamin A.

What outcomes can be expected from treatment?

Treatment can slow vision loss progression and improve quality of life with adaptive devices and

How is care managed for patients with hereditary retinal disorders?

Care includes genetic counseling, low vision rehabilitation, and regular monitoring to track disease progression and adjust care plans.
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