Glued IOL or Scleral Fixed Lens

Glued IOL or Scleral Fixed Lens

Glued IOL and Scleral Fixed Lens are advanced surgical solutions for patients with insufficient capsular support due to trauma or complex cataract cases. These techniques ensure stable lens placement and improved visual outcomes.

Procedure Overview

Glued IOL

The lens is secured using fibrin glue, ensuring stability in the absence of capsular support.

Scleral Fixed Lens

The lens is anchored to the sclera (white part of the eye) surgically to provide optimal placement and function.

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Glued IOL or Scleral Fixed Lens

Expected Outcomes

  • Stabilized lens placement for enhanced visual clarity.
  • Long-term correction for cases with compromised capsular support.

Patient Support & Care

  • Tailored care plans addressing individual needs.
  • Follow-ups to monitor lens stability and overall eye health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a glued IOL?

It’s a lens secured with fibrin glue for patients without capsular support.

Who needs this procedure?

Patients with trauma or complex cataracts requiring alternative lens fixation.

Is the procedure painful?

No, it is performed under local or topical anesthesia for patient comfort.

How long is the recovery process?

Recovery usually takes a few weeks, with noticeable vision improvement early on.

Are these solutions permanent?

Yes, the lenses are securely placed for long-term

What risks should I be aware of?

Rare risks include infection or lens dislocation, managed with proper follow-ups.
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